勵志英語Inspirational English (一學年)
      This course aims at lifting learner’s spirits while they are poking their nose at the splendid, transcendent and insightful works by the prestigious saints, philosophers and literary writers. Reading of these works can have their mind broadened, purified, ascending to the truthdom, which guides us the way to understand life and death, what and how we should do to make our lives more meaningful and worthy. In addition, it is a good helping hand to those who want to improve the target language, especially writing skills, which embraces grammar analysis, sentence structures, paragraph segmentation, the use of main ideas and details, etc. The lectures go with songs, videos and practical writing in class, which makes every lesson interesting and fruitful. 本課程為學員講多篇由哲者及名家撰寫之文章,同時亦介紹一些經世讀本,除了啟發學員對生命價值之了解外,亦興發其心志,使對真理與美善有所企仰。學員於閱覽文章之際,猶如在勞碌繁忙之生活裡,稍停下來,享用一口清冽甘泉,淨化心靈。 本課程也能幫助人欲提高英語能力,特別是寫作技巧方面。語法分析、句子結構、段落區分、主題思想及細節鋪排等等均所講及。又在課堂上配以歌曲、視頻和實踐寫作,使學習趣味盎然而富有成效。 Prelude Life Mark Lai King Lau 1.On Aspiration a. The Joy of Living Anonymous b. Spiritual Encouragement Pope with the spirituality since Peter To make your life an upbeat one, cherishing happiness and joviality in any place, at any time. c. To open our mind and enjoy our lives Mark Lai King Lau and Hendrick Willem Van Loon 2. On Love (II) 談愛 Kahlil Gibran a. One Life, One Love William Shakespeare b. To Be or Not To Be William Shakespeare c. Child and his power of growth Anonymous 3. Ambition a. Don’t let anyone steal your dream Johnna Parr 堅持你的夢想 b. The proper attitude towards life— to be self-confident The Sound of Music 4.On Nature a. Daffodils William Wordsworth 水仙花 b. On Nature and Human Ralph Waldo Emerson 人與自然 c. Moonlight over the Lotus Pond 朱自清 荷塘月色 5.Child and his power of growth Anonymous 孩子強大的生命力 6.Youth Aristotle 7.How to grow old Bertrand Russell

導     師 黎景鎏

       黎景鎏先生,英國格洛斯特大學(Gloucestershire University)文學士,英國語言學會會員(MCIL),英國雪斐爾大學(The University of Sheffield)及洛丁漢大學(The University of Nottingham)碩士,曾任新亞文商書院教務長兼中英語文及翻譯系系主任。黎先生早年在香港大專院校修讀中西哲學,完成哲學碩士課程,善於講述生命哲學。



堂     數約28堂